Raising the funding threshold of CSO’s response mode research committees

Posted by: Julie Simpson - Posted on:

CSO is raising the funding threshold for applications to the Translational Clinical Studies and Health Improvement, Protection & Services Research Committees to £350,000 at 80% Full Economic Costs for projects up to three years in duration. 

This change will apply to applications submitted to the 5 January 2024 committee application deadline onwards.  The raised funding threshold reflects the increased costs of research since the current threshold was introduced in 2016.  However, this threshold should not be viewed as a funding target and is not accompanied by an increased overall budget for the committees; applications at substantially lower costs are welcomed. 

This change in threshold does not apply to applications already under consideration by the committees nor those already funded.  Applicants should also consider the range of funding opportunities now available through CSO’s financial contribution to the National Institute for Health and care Research (NIHR) programmes that can support larger applications (Scottish Researchers to be able to access further NIHR research funding – Chief Scientist Office).