Research Project Briefing

Posted by: Julie Simpson - Posted on:

We are changing the end of project reporting for our committee grants and fellowships. Instead of a long final report and a one page lay summary we now require a longer 3 or 4 page summary highlighting the key results and impact from the grant. We have worked with our public enagagement group to ensure that the main themes from these summaries are understandable to as wide an audience as possible and going forward we will continue to work to improve this aspect of the summaries.

As reports are finalised they will be published alongside the original abstracts on our funding pages – the first wave are now available –

ASM/14/02 – Development of a rapid test to improve the clinical management of Hodgkin lymphoma

ASM/14/04 – Stratifying the risk of colorectal disease in order to direct the use of colonoscopy in symptomatic patients

CAF/15/07 – Treating Anxiety after stroke (TASK)

CF/CSO/01 – Involving the public in major service change in Scotland

PDF/15/07 – Cardiovascular disease risk prediction in people with type 2 diabetes

ETM/433 – Testing new methods to analyse cancer using tumour DNA in blood samples

ETM/439 – Oligosaccharides as new therapeutics for CNS repair

TCS/16/24 – Accelerating clinical introduction of new antibiotics

In addition to the summary as projects finish an extra Researchfish submission will be requested so we can ensure that outcomes from the grant are captured at this point. Further submissions will still be required to collect the outcomes that occur later. If your CSO grant or Fellowship is nearing completion and you have any questions about this please get in touch with the relevant research manager.

Alan McNair

Tom Barlow

Julie Simpson