Focus on Research – Respiratory

This category covers research into asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory diseases and normal development and function of the respiratory system.

The following summaries in this clinical area have been accepted since the start of 2013. Click on the reference number to view the summary.

    • Dr Gaylor Hoskins et al – Can eliciting and addressing health-related goals improve asthma control and asthma-related quality of life? Feasibility Phase II pilot randomised controlled trial of a brief intervention (CZH/4/697)
    • Dr Brain McKinstry et alExploring the feasibility of using remote respiratory monitoring to detect and manage exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (CZH/4/826)
    • Dr Daniel Morales – Measuring the risk of Beta-blocker and non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drug prescribing in Asthma (CAF.11.07)
    • Professor A Sheikh et al – Volatile organic compounds and risk of asthma and allergy: a systematic review of observational and interventional studies (CZG.2.573)
    • Professor B Lipworth et al – A proof of concept study to evaluate whether chronic exposure to levosalbutamol or racemic salbutamol is associated with a rebound increase in airway hyper-responsiveness in genetically susceptible asthmatics (CZB.4.767)
    • Dr N Hewitt et al – Using cross sectoral data linkage to identify factors associated with emergency admissions and repeat admissions for a cohort of patients with COPD in Lothian (CZG.2.533)
    • Dr James D Chalmers et al – Mannose binding lectin deficiency, bacterial colonisation and disease severity in Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: towards personalized medicine in COPD. (ETM/262 FOR)
    • Dr Gary Walsh et al –  The effects of nanoparticles in vitro airway epithelial cell function in children and adults with and without asthma. (ETM/274 FOR)